Sunday, 7 December 2014

On the way back

Waiting in the QANTAS Club in Melbourne for my flight. Allowed myself plenty of extra time.

Saved money on a book by Geoffrey Beevers. Looked at the price on Amazon UK and then Book Depository. Amazon was more expensive by about 30 dollars. Ordered from Book Depository with free postage with a delivery of 8-12 days.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Lords of Time 3 - Saturday

Just finished at "Lords of Time 3". It was a great event with some interesting guests.

The guests were
  • Katy Manning.
  • Geoffrey Beevers.
  • Gary Russell.
  • Terrance Dicks.
  • Matthew Waterhouse.

Started with getting photo's taken with each of the guests. They got everyone by row number. As I was in the first row that was good.

Then a interesting talk from Geoffrey Beevers who played The Master in the Keeper of Traken. He talked about his career and attendance at conventions. He is also a published author.

Then a break for lunch where the VIP ticket holders can mingle with the guests over lunch.

Then Matthew Waterhouse talked after lunch. His discussed his time on Doctor Who.

Up next was Terrance Dicks and Gary Russell who talked about how they  became script editors on Doctor Who and Terrance described how he was commissioned to write scripts after other scripts failed to be delivered.

Gary whose career is a lot more diverse than most people  have. He is a writer,actor and director.

Then a short break before Kay Manning's talk with Gary Russell help her out. She is very unexpected. She has a great range as a vocal artist and is extremely funny.

Picked up my photo's that were taken earlier in the day. They are really good.

Then onto the autographs. Got a photo autograph from every guest and Terrance and Gary to autograph a book.

Went back to auditorium to watch some videos and called it a day at 5:00pm.

Nice walk back to the hotel and relaxing watching "Around the world in 80 days" on television. It is the original David Niven version.

Fly back tomorrow morning. Hope the flight is not late.

Lords of Time 3 - VIP Party

Had a great evening last night at the Lords of Time 3 VIP party with the convention guests

  • Matthew Waterhouse.
  • Katy Manning. 
  • Geoffrey Beevers.
  • Terrance Dicks.
  • Gary Russell.

I had to look up which convention I had already met Matthew at (Project Motormouth in England Last Year) and we talked about that.

Got a hug from Katy.

Gary Russell talked about his acting career. I had forgotten his acting work on two TV shows 'The Phoenix and the Carpet' and 'The Famous Five'.

I am trying to decide which of the books I bought with me to get Terrance to autograph today at the convention.

I only found one book in my collection for Gary to autograph. I have to finish cataloguing my books.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Back in Melbourne again

Just flew from Brisbane to Melbourne.

Disabled flight mode and the phone went mad with incoming emails. Just reading them and having a coffee. Mostly junk mail.